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Kalahari Glassglow Treatment System

2099 kr

Varenummer: 13495 Kategorier: , Stikkord: , ,

What is included in the GlassGlow Homecare Cosmetic Bag? For the best results, we highly recommend beginning with an AHA+ Professional Treatment at your nearest salon, prior to using the GlassGlow Homecare Treatment System. On the third evening after your treatment, you’ll begin using the Vitamin A Booster Gel, continue with the De-Age+ Leave-on Mask, and soothe and protect your skin throughout the treatment period using our SPF40 and Phyto-calm Facial Mist!
(A complimentary step-by-step information booklet is included in every homecare system)


How does it work? The GlassGlow Treatment System has been formulated as a powerful and effective tri-treatment system:
Phase 1: Begins with an AHA+ Professional Treatment at your nearest Kalahari salon (Not included in the Homecare Treatment System)
Phase 2: Continues with the Vitamin A Booster (included in the GlassGlow Homecare System)
Phase 3: Completes with De-age+ Leave on Mask (included in the GlassGlow Homecare System)


Kalahari Glassglow Treatment System 1

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77203104 3246994145372422 3453249762927575040 n.jpgKalahari Glassglow Treatment System
2099 kr